Various - Why A Change Of Name? - Acts 1:4-11

Why A Change Of Name?

1. A Name Conveys Association And Support '

2. It’s More Difficult For Us Than Other Harvest Bible Chapels Because Off Our Proximity

3. Harvest Bible Fellowship No Longer Exists

4. Our Name Can Better Reflect What God is Uniquely Doing Here

5. This Is Ultimately and Eternally Christ’s Church

When God Does Something New

1. We Are Called To Witness

2. We Will Be Empowered By The Holy Spirit

Victory - 13 - Laying Down My Rights For The Sake Of The Gospel - 1 Corinthians 9:1-27

Paul's Rights

1. His Credentials As A Church Leader (v. 1-6)

2. His Universal Rights (v. 7)

3. The Old Testament Law (v. 8-12)

4. The Old Testament Priests (v. 13)

5. The Command Of Jesus (v. 14)

Paul's Reasons For Laying Down His Rights

1. To Receive A Greater Reward (v. 15-18)

2. To See A Greater Harvest (v. 19-23)

3. To Achieve A Greater Prize (v. 24-27)

Victory - 12 - Unity Amidst Our Different Convictions - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

1. Knowledge of God Should Produce Love (v. 1-3)

2. Knowledge of God Should Produce Worship (v. 4-6)

3. Knowledge of God Will Produce Different Convictions (v. 7-8)

4. Knowledge of God Should Not Injure The Weaker Conscience (v. 9-13)

10 Essential Truths:

1. The Bible Is God’s Word to Us... All 66 books of it.... It Is Inspired by God And Is Infallible, Inerrant and Unchanging

2. God is One God in Three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

3. God is the Creator of the Universe

4. Mankind, Born In God’s Image, Is Fallen in Sin and is Separated from God

5. Jesus Christ Is Eternally & Fully Divine as God the Son

6. Christ Lived a Sinless & Fully Human Life, Died an Atoning Death, & Rose Three Days Later in a Bodily Resurrection

7. It Is Through Christ’s Death & Resurrection that One Can be Forgiven of Sin & Reconciled to God by Grace through Faith Alone

8. God the Holy Spirit Confirms & Seals the Faith of All Believers

9. The Church is the Body of Christ & in His Ongoing Ministry to Make Disciples & To Guard the Truth of the Gospel

10. Jesus Christ is Coming Again With Eternal Judgment on All Who Have Not Believed the Gospel & to Restore All Things to His People without Sin or curse