Easter 2020 - A Defense For Belief - The Gospel Of John

A Defense For Belief - The Gospel Of John

1. John Bears Witness Through John The Baptizer (1:7)
2. John Bears Witness Through The OT Scriptures (5:39)
3. John Bears Witness Through Jesus' Miracles (5:36)
4. John Bears Witness Through The Holy Spirit (15:26)

Minimal Facts As Summarized By Christian Philosopher Douglas Groothuis:

1. The Dealth Of Jesus By Crucifiction
2. The Burial Of Jesus In A Known Tomb
3. The Empty Tomb Is Also Generally Accepted
4. The Postmortem Appearances Of Jesus

John Chapter 2-11 Records These 7 Miraculous Signs:

1. Changing Water into Wine (2:1-11)
2. Healing the Official’s Son Without Even Going to Him (4:43-54)
3. Healing of the Paralytic Man (5:1-15)
4. The Miraculous Feeding of the Multitude (6:1-15)
5. Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-24
6. The Healing of the Blind Man (ch. 9)
7. Raising Lazarus from the Dead(ch.11)
& of Course Jesus’ Resurrection & Appearances to many (20:1-29)