Parables of the Kingdom - 01 - Why Do You Speak To Them In Parables? - Matthew 13:10-17

1. Parables Reveal Truth To Those Who Choose To Believe (v. 11-12a, 16, 17)

What Are The Parables Of The Kingdom All About?

1. Kingdom Arrival

2. Kingdom Values

3. Kingdom Response

2. Parables Conceal Truth From Those Who Refuse To Believe (v. 12b-15)

5 Questions To Help Me Understand The Meaning Of A Parable

1. How Did It Relate To Everyday Life At That Time?

2. What Is The Immediate Context For Telling The Parable?

3. Does The Bible Explain Its Meaning?

4. Who/What Are The Main Characters In The Parable?

5. What Is The One Big Idea Or Main Point?