Spiritual Principle: Reject What Is False So You Can Embrace What Is Real
The Progression Of An Idol:
1. I Desire
2. I Demand
3. I Judge
4. I Punish
X-ray Questions To Discern Idolatry
1. What am I preoccupied with? What is the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night?
2. How would I answer the question: “If only ______, then I would be happy, fulfilled, secure?”
3. What do I want to preserve or to avoid at all costs?
4. Where do I put my trust?
5. What do I fear?
6. When a certain desire is not met, do I feel frustration, anxiety, resentment, bitterness, anger, or depression?
7. Is there something I desire so much that I am willing to disappoint or hurt others in order to have it?