
Family Matters - 07 - Maturing In Christ - Colossians 1:24-2:5

3 Ways the Church, the Family, the Follower of Christ Is Made Mature in Christ:

1. We Are Spiritually Matured Through Difficulty (v. 24, 29; 2:1)

2. We Are Spiritually Matured Through The Ministry Of The Word (v. 25-29; 2:2-3)

3. We Are Spiritually Matured When False Teaching Is Repelled (v. 4-5)

Timeless Truth - 03 - Keys To A Strong Family - Colossians 3:18-21

1. Wives, Humble Yourselves In The Lord (v. 18)

2. Husbands, Soften Your Hearts Before The Lord (v. 19)

3. Parents, Shepherd Your Children Towards Obedience (v. 20-21)

3 Errors To Avoid In Shepherding A Child Toward Obedience

1. Do Not Negotiate

2. Do Not Merely Distract

3. Do Not Enculturate A Household Of Commands & Rules Without A Spirit Of Loving Instruction