1. The Gift Of God's Presence (v. 18-23)
2. The Gift Of A Righteous King (v. 24-25)
3. The Gift Of God's Forgiveness (v. 21)
1. The Gift Of God's Presence (v. 18-23)
2. The Gift Of A Righteous King (v. 24-25)
3. The Gift Of God's Forgiveness (v. 21)
1. Behold the Word of God (v. 1-4)
2. Behold the Light of the World (v. 5-13)
3. Behold the Glory of God (v. 14-17)
1. What Are Angels?
2. Who Is Jesus?
1. What Does The Gospel Say About Reality & Eternity?
2. What Does Critical Theory Say About Reality & Eternity?
1. The Lord is Good (v. 1; 26)
2. His Love Endures (v. 1-3)
3. The All-Powerful Creator is Thinking of You (v. 4-9)
4. He Has Rescued Us (v. 10-16)
5. His Kingdom Is Coming (v. 17-25)
1. Pray in Any Circumstance (v. 13-15)
2. Pray With One Another (v. 16)
3. Pray Continually (v. 17-18)
4. Pray for Wanderers (v. 19-20)
1. Root Your Heart in the Coming Jesus Christ (v.7-8)
2. Come Together as God's People (v. 9)
3. Consider Our Examples (v. 10-11)
4. Accept That You Are Not In Control (v. 12)
1. You begin to boast about the Future
2. You begin to chase after Riches
1. See The Real Problem (v. 1-6)
2. Humbly Surrender To The Right Person (v. 7-10)
3. Be Slow To Judge Others (v. 11-12)
1. Wisdom from Above is Displayed in Meekness (v. 13)
2. Wisdom from Above is Not Self-Seeking (v. 14-16)
3. Wisdom from Above Calls Us to Sow in Peace (v. 17-18)
1. Get Serious about the Danger of Your Words (v. 1-2)
2. Bite Your Tongue! (v. 3-8)
3. Speak Life-Giving Words (v. 9-12)
1. Religious Talk is Not the Same as Genuine Faith (v. 14-18)
2. Intellectual Agreement Is Not the Same as Genuine Faith (v. 19)
3. Genuine Faith Will Produce an Active Faith (v. 18-26)
1. Consider Your Blind Spots (v. 1-7)
2. Consider Your Scriptural Blind Spots (v. 8-11)
3. Represent The Mercy You've Been Shown (v. 12-13)
1. Receive the Word Humbly Rather Than Speaking Angrily (v. 19-21)
2. Obey the Word Resiliently Rather than Living Idly (v. 22-25)
3. Pure Religion Happens in Quiet Devotion (v. 26-27)
4. Real Religion Comes from Real Salvation (v. 21)
1. Trials Test and Complete Us (v. 2-4)
2. Trials Produce Steadfastness
3. Trials Produce Dependency (v. 5-8)
4. Trials Produce a Better Identity (v. 9-11)
5. Trials Produce Hope in the Lord (12-18)
1. We've Been Purchased At A Great Price (v. 47:15-25)
2. We've Been Brought Into God's Kingdom (v. 48:8-19)
3. We've Been Shown Immeasurable Grace (v. 50:15-21)
1. God's Plans Supersedes Evil & Hardship (45:1-15)
2. God's Plan Will Always Provide (45:16-28)
3. God Will Be True To Everything He Has Said (46)
How Do I move Past My Guilts?
1. Confess
2. Turn
3. Walk
1. He Alone Is Worthy
2. He Alone Is Omniscient
3. He Alone Is Sovereign
4. He Alone Is Faithful
Q: Where is God when I am in my deepest, darkest valley?
A: He’s With Me
How Can You Resist Sexual Temptation?
1. Drop Whatever You Have To
2. Run From It, Don’t Walk
3. Remove Yourself Completely From The Situation