God Said - 35 - Gen 32:1-33:20 - Fear and Control

1. Remember God’s Unseen Protection (v. 32:1-5)
2. Pray According to What God Has Said (v. 32:6-12)
3. Surrender Yourself to God’s Control (v. 32:13-32)

10 Promises of God for Every Follower of JC (From Gen 20)
1. God Will Finish What He Began in You in Jesus Christ! - Rom 8:30; Phil 1:6
2. The Lord will Not Allow ANY of Your Sin to Condemn You! - Rom 5:9; 1 Thess. 5:23-25
3. The Lord Will NEVER Abandon You! - Matt 28:20; Psalm 94:14
4. The Lord Will Forever Lead You and Help You - John 10:16; 2 Tim 3:16-17
5. When you Delight yourself in God, He Will Satisfy Your Soul - Psalm 37:4; Psalm 16:11
6. God Will Not Allow You to be Tempted Beyond Your Power - 1 Cor 10:13; Heb 4:15-16
7. When you Humble yourself, God will Lift You Up & Give Grace to You - Matt 19:13; James 4:10
8. The Lord Will Reverse the Curse & Take Away All Grief & Suffering Forever - 2 Cor 4:17; Revelation 21:4
9. The Lord Will Return With Perfect Justice for the World - Luke 18:7-8; 1 Thess 4:16-17
10. You Will Join All Believers & Live Forever in the Perfect Presence of the Lord in a New Heaven and New Earth - 1 Thes 4:16-17; Rev 21:1

God Said - 25 - Already, But Not Yet - Genesis 23:1-20

1. Trust in the Already, But Not Yet, Promises of God
2. Hope in God’s Promises, Even in Death

5 Things You Should Know About The Promises Of God - Even In Death:

1. God Gives Real Promises As He Cares Deeply About The Death Of His Own
2. God Keeps Every Promise He Makes
3. Every Promise Of God Finds It’s Fulfillment In Jesus Christ
4. God’s Promise Of Eternal Life Gives Hope—Even in Death
5. God Promises That Death Will Ultimately Be Destroyed

Easter 2020 - A Defense For Belief - The Gospel Of John

A Defense For Belief - The Gospel Of John

1. John Bears Witness Through John The Baptizer (1:7)
2. John Bears Witness Through The OT Scriptures (5:39)
3. John Bears Witness Through Jesus' Miracles (5:36)
4. John Bears Witness Through The Holy Spirit (15:26)

Minimal Facts As Summarized By Christian Philosopher Douglas Groothuis:

1. The Dealth Of Jesus By Crucifiction
2. The Burial Of Jesus In A Known Tomb
3. The Empty Tomb Is Also Generally Accepted
4. The Postmortem Appearances Of Jesus

John Chapter 2-11 Records These 7 Miraculous Signs:

1. Changing Water into Wine (2:1-11)
2. Healing the Official’s Son Without Even Going to Him (4:43-54)
3. Healing of the Paralytic Man (5:1-15)
4. The Miraculous Feeding of the Multitude (6:1-15)
5. Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-24
6. The Healing of the Blind Man (ch. 9)
7. Raising Lazarus from the Dead(ch.11)
& of Course Jesus’ Resurrection & Appearances to many (20:1-29)