1. Seize God-Given Opportunities And Contentment (v. 10-13)
2. Participate In Giving And Receiving (v. 14-18)
3. Trust In God’s Promises And Purposes (v. 19-23)
1. Seize God-Given Opportunities And Contentment (v. 10-13)
2. Participate In Giving And Receiving (v. 14-18)
3. Trust In God’s Promises And Purposes (v. 19-23)
1. Be Joyful
2. Be Gentle
3. Be Prayerful
4. Be Mindful
1. Strive For Unity For The Sake Of The Gospel (v. 2)
2. Help Others Strive For Unity For The Sake Of The Gospel (v. 3)
1. Look Ahead, Not Behind (3: 12-16)
2. Look To Christ-Like Examples (3: 17-4:1)
1. Rejoice In The Lord (v. 1)
2. Reject False Gospels (v. 2-6)
3. Run After Knowing Jesus (v. 7-11
1. Jesus Chose To Humble Himself
A. In His Incarnation (v. 5-8a) The Kenosis (“Emptying”) Of Jesus
Deity: Jesus Did Not Give Up His Deity Or Any Attributes Of Deity. Jesus Set Aside His Glory.
Eternity: Jesus Did Not Come Into Existence (He Was Not Created). Jesus Has Always Existed.
Humanity: Nature – Jesus Did Take On Human Nature But He Did Not Sin. Jesus Became Fully Human While He Remained Fully Divine.
B. In His Crucifixion (v. 8b)
2. The Father Highly Exalted Him (v. 9-11)
3. We Now Choose To Walk In The Humility Of Christ (v. 5)
1. Gospel Partnership (v. 1-2)
2. Thankful Partnership (v. 3-5)
3. Confident & Affectionate Partnership (v. 6-8)
4. Maturing Partnership (v. 9-11)
1. Standing Together In Unity (v. 27)
2. Standing Together Courageously (v. 28-30)
1. Follow After And Join With Christ-Centered Examples (v. 17-19)
2. Set Your Hope On Your Future In Christ (v. 20-21)
3. Stand Firm In The Lord (4:1)
1. Joy
2. Assurance
3. Love
4. Discernment
5. Righteousness
1. Perfect Servanthood (v. 6-7)
2. Perfect Humility (v. 8a)
3. Perfect Obedience (v. 8)
4. Have the Same Mind Toward One Another (v. 1-5)
1. Relinquish My Right To Be Anxious (v. 4, 6a)
2. Recognize That My Responses Impact Others (v. 5a)
3. Remind Myself That Christ Is With Me (v. 5b, 9)
4. Replace My Worry With Thankful Prayer (v. 6b)
5. Realign My Thoughts (v. 8)
6. Respond To God's Word (v. 9a)