1. The Son Of God
2. The Heir Of All Things
3. The Creator Of All Things
4. The Incarnation Of God
5. The Sustainer Of The Universe
6. The Savior Of Humanity
7. The Reigning King
1. The Son Of God
2. The Heir Of All Things
3. The Creator Of All Things
4. The Incarnation Of God
5. The Sustainer Of The Universe
6. The Savior Of Humanity
7. The Reigning King
1. Rejoice In The Lord (v. 1)
2. Reject False Gospels (v. 2-6)
3. Run After Knowing Jesus (v. 7-11
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is A Kingdom For The Humble
Jesus Was The Supreme Example Of Humility
1. In His Incarnation
2. In His Crucifixion
1. See And Believe
Why Would I Believe Jesus Rose?
1. Jesus Predicted He Would Rise Again
2. Jesus Really Died
3. The Tomb Was Empty
4. Jesus Appeared To Many Witnesses
5. Jesus’ Resurrection Radically Changed The Lives Of His Followers
2. Go And Tell
1. Jesus Was Crucified
2. Jesus Died
3. The Burial Of Jesus
1. God Always Does What He Intends To Do, But We Do Not (v. 26-31)
2. Jesus Is Strong, But We Are Weak (v. 32-42)
3. Jesus Is Selfless, But We Are Selfish (v. 43-52)
1. Expect Great Distractions (v. 1-13)
2. Expect Great Tribulations (v. 14-23)
3. Expect A Great Deliverance (v. 24-37)
1. Jesus Is King With Authority To Rule (v. 1-10)
2. Jesus Is King With Wisdom To Judge (v. 11-14)
3. Jesus Is King With Power To Cleanse (v. 15-25)
1. Lay Down Your Life (v. 30-32)
2. Become A Servant (v. 33-37)
3. Celebrate Kingdom Victories (v. 38-41)
4. Declare War On Sin (v. 42-50)
1. By The Way We Think About Him? (v. 2-13)
2. By The Way We Live? (v. 14-29)
1. Believe That Jesus Is The Christ (v. 27-30)
2. Submit To God’s Plans (v. 31-33)
3. Love Jesus More Than Anything In This World (8: 34-9: 1)
1) Why Didn’t The People In Jesus’ Hometown Experience Much Power?
a. Because They Didn’t View Jesus As God. (v. 1-3a)
b. Because They Didn’t Honor Jesus As Lord. (v. 3b-6)
2) Why Did The Twelve Disciples Experience So Much Power?
a. Because They Were Willing To Follow Where Jesus Led. (v. 1, 7-11)
b. Because They Did What Jesus Wanted Them To Do. (v. 12-13)
1. Embrace Jesus’ Priority For Your Life (v. 7-12)
2. Remain With Jesus (v. 13-19)
3. Worship Jesus As Lord (v. 20-35)
What Do We Need To Know About Jesus?
1. He Is Willing To Help (1:40-45)
2. He Knows Your Deepest Need (2:1-12)
3. He Calls You To Follow Him (2:13-15)
4. He Came For Those Who Know They Are Sick (2:16-17)
1. Jesus Calls You To Follow Him (v. 16-20)
2. Jesus Has All Authority (v. 21-28)
3. Jesus Came To Serve And Save Sinners (v. 29-39)
1. The Message Is About Jesus (v. 1-3)
2. The Messenger Exalts Jesus (v. 4-8)
3. The Message Is Jesus (v. 9-15)
When You Need A Better View Of Jesus:
1. Remember Who Jesus Is (v. 2-4)
2. Pay Attention To His Word (v. 5-8)
3. Root Your Hope In His Death And Resurrection (v. 9-13)
1. Jesus Knew He Was Their King (v. 1-5)
2. The Disciples Hoped Jesus Was Their King (v. 6-7)
3. The Crowds Declared Jesus Was Their King (v. 8-9)
4. Will You Bow To Jesus As Your King? (v. 10-11)
1. Jesus' Plans Are Often Not In Sync With Our Plans (v. 41-45)
2. Jesus' Plans Are Given With Perfect Wisdom (v. 46-48)
3. Jesus' Plans Bring Glory To God (v. 49-52)
1. The Death Of Jesus Christ For Our Sins
2. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
3. The Grace Of God Working In You To Transform You