1. Noah Continued To Seek The Lord
2. The Lord Remained Patient
3. The Lord Didn't Give Up On Humanity
4. The Lord Made A Covenant
5. Mankind Still Needed A Savior
1. Noah Continued To Seek The Lord
2. The Lord Remained Patient
3. The Lord Didn't Give Up On Humanity
4. The Lord Made A Covenant
5. Mankind Still Needed A Savior
1. Sin Has Completely Corrupted This World
2. Just Judgment Is Coming
3. Merciful Deliverance Is Offered.
1. Don't Be Seduced By The World (v. 1-4)
2. Never Think Lightly Of Sin Since It So Grieves The Heart Of God (v. 5-7)
3. Trust In The Grace Of God (v. 8)
1. The Lord Graciously Preserves A People For Himself (v. 4:17-5:3)
2. Those Who Know God Will Walk With God (v. 5:21-24)
1. I Count Up God’s Provisions of Grace (v. 1-2)
2. I Keep Close Watch on My Wandering Heart (v. 3-8)
3. I Accept Responsibility and Accountability (v. 9-12)
4. I Run to More Grace! (v. 13-15)
1. Know What God Has Said (v. 1-3)
2. Don’t Blur What God Has Made Clear (v. 4)
3. Believe God Over Empty Promises (v. 5-6a)
4. Protect One Another (v. 6)
5. Understand the Power of Shame (v. 7-9)
6. Confess Your Sin (v. 12-13)
7. Trust and Hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (v. 15)
1. Formed For Relationship With God (v. 4-7)
2. Formed To Know God's Truth (v. 4, 8-14)
3. Formed To Rect The Lord (v. 15-25)
1. Created In The Image Of God (v. 26-27)
2. Created With Provisions And Purpose (v. 28-2:1)
3. Created To Walk With God (v. 2-3)
1. God Has And Is First So Worship Him With Full Devotions (v. 1)
2. God Brings Beauty And Order Out Of Chaos So Trust And Hope In Him (v. 2-26)
1. Be Devoted To Church Partnerships (v. 1-12)
2. Be Alert And Engaged (v. 13-14)
3. Respect Your Servant-Leaders (v. 15-18)
4. Be Committed To Loving Unity (v. 19-24)
3 Reasons You Need To Have An Answer About Death:
1. The Death Rate is 100%... Everyone Is Going to Die
2. Many of Us Are Actually Wrestling With Death Right Now
3. We All Internally Ask Questions of Destiny
1. Consider the Reality of a New Body (v. 35-44)
2. Consider the Reality of a Risen Savior (v. 44-49)
3. Consider the Reality of a Greater Victory (v. 50-57)
4. Persevere Toward the Greater Reality (v. 58)
1. Unity
2. Survivability
3. Reliability
4. Prophecy
5. Authorship
6. Testimony
1. As I Follow Jesus Closely, I Position Myself For Mountaintop Encounters With God
1. Find A Sacred Space (v. 7a)
2. Face To Face Conversation (v. 9, 11)
3. Fellowship Of Believers (7b-8, 10)
ERROR: There Is No Resurrection Of The Dead
If There Is No Resurrection Of The Dead:
1. Jesus Hasn't Been Raised
2. Preaching The Gospel Is Pointless
3. Faith In Christ Is Meaningless
4. We Are Lying About God To You
5. Your Faith Is Worthless
6. You Will Die In Your Sins
7. Christians Who've Died Are Gone Forever
8. Followers Of Christ Should Be Pitied More Than Anyone Else On The Planet
TRUTH: Christ Has Been Raised From The Dead
1. Like Jesus, Others Will Be Raised
2. King Jesus Wins
3. Suffering For Jesus Is Worth It
4. Set Yourself Apart For Jesus
1. The Death Of Jesus Christ For Our Sins
2. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
3. The Grace Of God Working In You To Transform You
1. The Example of Tongues (v. 27-28)
2. The Example Of Prophecy (v. 29-33a)
3. The Example Of Authority & Submission (v. 33a-40)
1. Does It All Work Out In The End?
2. We Know God Is Working All Things Together For Good When We Look At Jesus
1. Does It Build Up The Church?
2. Does It Communicate The Word Of God To The Spiritually Lost?
1. Happiness Is Available!
2. Happiness Is Influenced By My Friends
3. Happiness Is Found By Delighting In God's Word
4. Happiness Is Known When My Identity, Thinking And Behaviors Are Shaped By God's Word