1. Sin - Turn From It (v. 1-11; 30-38) 2. God's Mercy - Run To It (v. 12-26) 3. God's Mercy - Proclaim It (v. 27-29)
God Said - 20 - A Mediator For The Nations - Genesis 18:16-33
1. God Is Just
2. God Is Merciful
3. Mankind Needs A Mediator
God Said - 19 - Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord - Genesis 18:1-15
1. Get To Know The Intimate Friendship Of God (v. 1-8)
2. Engage Faith As A Team Sport (v. 9-15)
3. Get To Know God On His Terms (v. 13-14)
God Said - 18 - He Laughs - Genesis 17:1-23
1. Be About The Nations (v. 1-8)
2. Be Genuinely Devoted (v. 9-14)
3. Believe God Can Do The Impossible (v. 15-21)
4. Respond In Obedience (v. 22-23)
God Said - 17 - The God Who Sees - Genesis 16:1-16
1. Trouble Comes When We Don't Wait On The Lord (v. 1-6)
5 Reasons You Should Wait On The Lord
1. Those Who Wait On The Lord Grow In The Strength Of Courage & Perseverance
2. Those Who Wait On The Lord Grow In Wisdom & Understanding
3. Those Who Wait On The Lord Will Be Rescued
4. Those Who Wait On The Lord Will Be Vindicated
5. Those Who Wait On The Lord Are Being Heard By God
2. God Hears & Sees Those Who Cry Out To Him (v.7-16)
God Said - 16 - A Shocking Agreement - Genesis 15:1-21
1. God's Promises Are Certain, Trust Them (v. 1-6)
2. The Bloody Oath Of The Covenant- Believe It (v. 7-11)
3. Our Waiting Has Purpose- Persevere (v. 12-16)
4. God Paid The Price For His Promise To Us (v. 17-21)
God Said - 15 - The Priestly King - Genesis 14:17-24
1. Recognize The Lord As The Owner Of Everything (v. 17-20a)
2. Offer The Lord A Biblical Portion (v. 20b)
3. Offer The Lord Your Trust (v. 21-24)
God Said - 14 - How Do I Grow In My Faith? - Genesis 13:2-18
1. Keep Seeking The Lord
2. Practice Trusting The Lord
3. Prioritize Worshipping The Lord
God Said - 13 - Clinging To God's Promises - Genesis 12:10-13:1
1. Do Not Make A Home Of What God Has Made Temporary (v.10)
2. Failing To Trust Brings About Foolish Self-Reliance (v. 11-16)
3. Rest In God's Sovereignty (v.17-13:!)
God Said - 12 - The Call Of God - Genesis 11:27-12:9
1. God's Call Means Leaving Things Behind (v. 27-32)
2. God's Call Means Trusting Him (v. 12:1-5a)
3. God's Call Means Worshipping The Lord (v. 5b-9)
Various - Making Plans For A New Year - Luke 2:41-52
1. Jesus' Plans Are Often Not In Sync With Our Plans (v. 41-45)
2. Jesus' Plans Are Given With Perfect Wisdom (v. 46-48)
3. Jesus' Plans Bring Glory To God (v. 49-52)
Various - Why I Go To Church - Various Scriptures
1. The Church Is Precious
2. The Church Is Jesus' Representatives
3. I Need The Church
4. The Church Needs Me
Various - A Right View Of My Suffering - 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
A biblical view of my affliction...
1. ... Magnifies God's comfort to me (v. 3-4a)
2. ...Leads me to comfort others (v. 4b-5)
3. ...Gives me communal purpose (v. 6-7)
4. ...Breaks me of self-reliance (v. 8-11)
Christmas 2019 - 04 - Waiting On The Lord - Luke 2:25-38
1. Finding Peace In Christ Alone (v. 25-33)
2. Being Set Apart (v. 34-35)
5 Ways The Lord is Setting You Apart When You Wait on Him
1. Your Prayers Are Multiplied
2. Your Courage Is Strengthened
3. Your Endurance Is Stretched
4. Your Hope Is Clarified
5. Your Faith Is Tested
3. Being More Devoted (v. 36-38)
Christmas 2019 - 03 - The Servant King - Matthew 2:1-12
1. Does Christ's Kingdom Shatter Yours?
2. Does The Kings Word Have Your Attention?
3. Does The Servant King Have Your Devotion?
Christmas 2019 - 02 - A Son Is Given - Isaiah 9:1-7
1. Hope In The Future Light Over A Present Darkness
2. Hope In A Future Peace Over This Present Turmoil
3. Hope In A Future King Over This Present Lawlessness
Christmas 2019 - 01 - God With Us - Isaiah 7:10-25
The only solution for a rebellious, faithless people is, "God with us".
Various - A Cause For Thanksgiving - Colossians
1. Through The Love & Prayers Of A Church Family
2. Through The Transformation In You
3. Through The Regular Gathering Of The Church
God Said - 11 - The Nations Of The Earth, Pt. 2 - Genesis 11:1-9
2 Ways All People Are In Rebellion Against God
1. We Rebel By Disobeying God's Word (v. 2)
2. We Rebel By Placing Ourselves Above God (v. 3-4)
2 Ways God Has Intervened Into Our Rebellion
1. He Has Intervened By "Coming Down" (v. 5-7)
2. He Has Intervened By Appointing The Nations (v. 8-9)
God Said - 10 - The Nations Of The Earth - Genesis 10-11
1. The People Would Seek Him
2. That His People Would Contrast All Other People
3. That We Might Trust & Love His Redemptive Plan