3 Responses To The Arrival Of King Jesus
1. Dismiss Him As Irrelevant (v. 3-6)
2. Reject Him As A Threat (v. 1-5, 7-8, 16-18)
3. Worship Him As The King (v. 1-2, 7-12)
3 Responses To The Arrival Of King Jesus
1. Dismiss Him As Irrelevant (v. 3-6)
2. Reject Him As A Threat (v. 1-5, 7-8, 16-18)
3. Worship Him As The King (v. 1-2, 7-12)
1. By His Own People (14:53-65)
2. By His Closest Friends (14:66-72)
3. By The Governing Authorities (15:1-20)
4. By You And Me
1. Jesus Is King With Authority To Rule (v. 1-10)
2. Jesus Is King With Wisdom To Judge (v. 11-14)
3. Jesus Is King With Power To Cleanse (v. 15-25)
1. The Lord Is Bigger Than Your Problems (v. 1-9)
2. The Lord Invites You To Take A Step Of Faith (v. 10-17)
3 Things We Need To Understand About Our King
1. Our King Is Not Dependent On Anyone (v. 1-7)
2. Our King Has A Sovereign Plan For His People (v. 8-11a)
3. Our King Is Establishing An Eternal Kingdom (v. 11b-17)
4 Things You Need To Know About This World
1. Satan Is A Liar (v. 1-5)
2. Sin Is A Separator (v. 6-8)
3. The Lord Is The Initiator (v. 9-13)
4. Christ Is The Conqueror (v. 14-15)
We Will Embrace Jesus As King When We:
1. First Consider the Facts (v. 1-4)
2. Believe The Word of Christ (v. 5-8)
3. Behold His Divinity in Worship (v. 9-10)
1. The King Was Humiliated (v. 27-31)
2. The King Was Crucified Among Criminals (v. 32-38)
3. The King Died For The Sins of Many (v. 39-44)
4. The Sinless King Suffered For You (v. 45-54)
1. Jesus Knew He Was Their King (v. 1-5)
2. The Disciples Hoped Jesus Was Their King (v. 6-7)
3. The Crowds Declared Jesus Was Their King (v. 8-9)
4. Will You Bow To Jesus As Your King? (v. 10-11)
What Exactly is a Hard-Heart?
1. The Heart that Only Turns to God in Tough Times (v. 1-15)
2. The Heart That Will Not Yield to the Evidence (v. 16-19)
3. The Heart That is Indifferent to God’s Word (v. 20-32)
1. Recognize The Lord As The Owner Of Everything (v. 17-20a)
2. Offer The Lord A Biblical Portion (v. 20b)
3. Offer The Lord Your Trust (v. 21-24)
1. Does Christ's Kingdom Shatter Yours?
2. Does The Kings Word Have Your Attention?
3. Does The Servant King Have Your Devotion?
1. Who Is The King?
Jesus Christ Is The King
A. Before His Birth (Isaiah 9:6-7)
B. At His Birth (Matthew 2:1-3, 16)
C. Before Pilate (Matthew 27:11)
D. At His Triumphal Entry (Luke 19:37-40)
E. At His Crucifixion (Matthew 27:37)
F. At His Resurrection (1 Timothy 1:17)
G. Throughout Eternity (Revelations 15:3; 17:14; 19:16)
2. What Is The Mission Of His Kingdom? (Matthew 28:18-20)
To Make Disciples
A. Worship God
B. Love People
3. How Do I Begin To Reach The Spiritually Lost?
A. Start Praying For Them Regularly (Romans 10:1)
B. Start Praying For Yourself (Ephesians 6:19-20)
C. Start Engaging People
1. First Consider The Facts (v. 1-4)
2. Believe The Word Of Christ (v. 5-8)
3. Worship Him (v. 9-10)
1. A King Of A Different Kingdom (v. 11-14)
2. A King Of Humility And Meekness (v. 27-31)
3. The King Who Sacrificed Himself (v. 37-42)
4. The King Who Suffered (v. 45-46)
1. Obey The King (v. 1-6)
2. Display The King (v. 7)
3. Worship The King (v. 8-11)
1. Consider His Kingship (v. 1, 17)
2. Consider His Incredible Mercy & Grace (v. 2-11)
3. Consider His Humility (v. 12-16)
1. He Is the King With All Sovereignty So Enthrone Him On Your Heart (v. 1-6)
2. He Is the King With All Humility So Come And Die With Him (v. 7-10)