1. The Crowd Expected A Military Victor (v. 12-13)
2. The Disciples Didn’t Know What To Expect (v. 16-18)
3. The Pharisees Expected An Enemy (v. 19)
4. Jesus Expected Victory Through Sacrifice (v. 14-15)
1. The Crowd Expected A Military Victor (v. 12-13)
2. The Disciples Didn’t Know What To Expect (v. 16-18)
3. The Pharisees Expected An Enemy (v. 19)
4. Jesus Expected Victory Through Sacrifice (v. 14-15)
1. Jesus Knew He Was Their King (v. 1-5)
2. The Disciples Hoped Jesus Was Their King (v. 6-7)
3. The Crowds Declared Jesus Was Their King (v. 8-9)
4. Will You Bow To Jesus As Your King? (v. 10-11)
1. He Is the King With All Sovereignty So Enthrone Him On Your Heart (v. 1-6)
2. He Is the King With All Humility So Come And Die With Him (v. 7-10)